There was a presentation of the annual work of the “Mother’s Home” project with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

05/06/2024 – There was a presentation of the annual work of the “Mother’s Home” project with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event discussed the prospects for developing support for women and children in difficult life situations to prevent social orphanhood. The project is being implemented with the support of […]

A press conference initiated by the Mother’s Home International Foundation (MHIF)

It was held on January 23, 2024, focusing on the international expansion of the “Mother’s Home” social project.
Drawing from a decade of experience in Kazakhstan, the project is extending its presence internationally under the brand of the Mother’s Home International Foundation (MHIF). The founders of the organization, Aidyn Rakhimbayev and Arsen Tomskii, anticipate expanding the project’s geographical reach to 10 countries worldwide in the near future.
The transmission of the local Kazakhstan’s experience of this social initiative to the international level marks a significant milestone in Kazakhstan’s history. The project has rightfully received high praise not only from international organizations but also from business communities ready to support it in different countries


A meeting of foster parents in the Kyzylorda Region was held in a warm, cozy, and homelike manner. While talking about parenting, the difficulties that had to be faced, and the joys of parenthood, time passed unnoticed and moms and dads were able to get closer to each other and
open up more.

Buy Diapers to Help Mothers with Children 

Our foundation, together with the Kazakh Mommy Baby brand, launched the Ana Men Bala social campaign. Any citizen of Kazakhstan has the opportunity to support the initiative. To do this, it is enough to purchase Mommy Baby diapers. From each purchase, the wards of the Mother’s House with children under three years old will be able to receive products of the Kazakh brand for free.


The specialists of the National Agency for Adoption do not lose touch with adoptive parents; we support them during the adaptation period, prompt, advise, provide psychological assistance, and just gather at a tea party to chat and talk about their successes.

Teaching PFFs

The Foundation has started training professional foster families. The training is conducted within the framework of a pilot project on the introduction of the Professional Foster Family Institute, which was launched in the Akmola Region last year. 3 families participated in the training sessions.


The Ana Uyi Public Foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary. Celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary date were held throughout Kazakhstan in all the Mother’s Houses. They were attended by young mothers with children, former wards, representatives of regional and city akimats, deputies of the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and patrons.

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Address: Amman, 8, Astana, Kazakhstan
Bank name: Kaspi Bank JSC
Account (IBAN): KZ10722S000012899595

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ЧФ «Mother’s Home International Foundation»

Адрес: Республика Казахстан, город Астана,
ул. Кунаева, 10, БЦ «Emerald Tower», 4-этаж
БИН 230840900171
ИИК KZ628562203232512224 EUR
Банк АО «Банк ЦентрКредит»

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ЧФ «Mother’s Home International Foundation»

Адрес: Республика Казахстан, город Астана,
ул. Кунаева, 10, БЦ «Emerald Tower», 4-этаж
БИН 230840900171
ИИК KZ648562203132511784 KZT
Банк АО «Банк ЦентрКредит»

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ЧФ «Mother’s Home International Foundation»

Адрес: Республика Казахстан, город Астана,
ул. Кунаева, 10, БЦ «Emerald Tower», 4-этаж
БИН 230840900171
ИИК KZ868562203232512180 USD
Банк АО «Банк ЦентрКредит»

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“Mother’s Home International Foundation” PF

Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, 10 Qonayev Street,
“Emerald Tower” BC, 4th floor.
BIN: 230840900171
KZT Account: KZ648562203132511784
Bank: “Bank CenterCredit” JSC

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“Mother’s Home International Foundation” PF

Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, 10 Qonayev Street,
“Emerald Tower” BC, 4th floor.
BIN: 230840900171
USD Account: KZ868562203232512180
Bank: “Bank CenterCredit” JSC

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“Mother’s Home International Foundation” PF

Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, 10 Qonayev Street,
“Emerald Tower” BC, 4th floor.
BIN: 230840900171
EUR Account: KZ628562203232512224
Bank: “Bank CenterCredit” JSC

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“Mother’s Home International Foundation” ЖҚ

Мекен-жайы: Қазақстан Республикасы, Астана қаласы,
Қонаев көш., 10, «Emerald Tower» БО, 4-қабат
BIN: 230840900171
ИИК KZ648562203132511784 KZT
Банк «Банк ЦентрКредит» АҚ

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“Mother’s Home International Foundation” ЖҚ

Мекен-жайы: Қазақстан Республикасы, Астана қаласы,
Қонаев көш., 10, «Emerald Tower» БО, 4-қабат
BIN: 230840900171
ИИК KZ868562203232512180 USD
Банк «Банк ЦентрКредит» АҚ

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“Mother’s Home International Foundation” ЖҚ

Мекен-жайы: Қазақстан Республикасы, Астана қаласы,
Қонаев көш., 10, «Emerald Tower» БО, 4-қабат
BIN: 230840900171
ИИК KZ628562203232512224 EUR
Банк «Банк ЦентрКредит» АҚ

«Будинок Мами» оказывает помощь матерям, оказавшимся в трудной жизненной ситуации с новорожденным ребенком на руках, а также семьям, в которых есть риск отказа от ребенка.

С августа 2023 года по настоящее время 13 женщин и 16 детей получили необходимую помощь.

“Budinok Mami” provides assistance to mothers with newborns who find themselves in difficult life situations, as well as to families at risk of child abandonment.

Since August 2023, 13 women and 16 children have received necessary assistance

«Будинок Мами» жаңа туған баласы бар, қиын өмірлік жағдайға тап болған аналарға, сондай-ақ баласынан бас тарту қаупі бар отбасыларға көмек көрсетеді.

2023 жылғы тамыз айынан бүгінгі күнге дейін 13 әйел мен 16 балаға қажетті көмек көрсетілді