We comprehensively eradicate social orphanhood in Kazakhstan
- Our projects
- Our projects
Resource centers “Mother’s House” are aimed at reducing the number of children in residential institutions. “Mother’s House” provides assistance to mothers in difficult life situations with a newborn baby in their arms, as well as families at risk of abandonment. The goal of “Mother’s House” is to prevent mothers from abandoning their babies and to keep babies in their blood families. Today the Fund has opened and operates 21 Mother’s Houses in 18 cities of Kazakhstan.
For more than 10 years of work of Mother’s Houses more than 7 100 women have received timely targeted social assistance from the Fund, and their children did not end up in orphanages, but remained in their families.
Today, with the assistance of the National Adoption Agency, 1936 children have been placed in Kazakhstani families.
•Over the eleven years of the project
7 130
children stayed with their mothers and were not placed in orphanages
2 148
women got new jobs
2 126
documents restored
1 150
women completed vocational courses
women received special medical care
- Our projects
The National Adoption Agency aims to provide professional training, support for adoptive families and develop a culture of adoption in Kazakhstan society.
In 2020, the Agency received state accreditation for assisting in the placement of orphans and children left without parental care in families in the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are counseling rooms in 20 cities of the Republic. The Fund’s specialists provide consultative assistance to citizens (families) wishing to take children from orphanages and children’s homes into their families. Psychologists train prospective adoptive parents at Foster Parent Schools, where they gain valuable knowledge about age psychology, establishing contact with the adopted child and gently adjusting the whole family to changes.
To date, 1 936 children have been placed with Kazakh families with the assistance of the National Adoption Agency.
•Over the eight years of the project
17 187
citizens consulted
5 912
candidates attended the Foster Parent School
1 295
families took in children
1 936
children found a family
- Our projects
The “Balazhan” program of transformation of children’s residential institutions is aimed at reorienting the staff of institutions from keeping children in institutions to promoting family placement, through preparation of children for the transition to the family. The goal is to transform orphanages into child and family support centers and children’s homes into medical and social rehabilitation centers.
International experience shows that it is only in the family that a child is fully prepared for independent life, only the family gives the child a model and value of the family, only the family gives full support to a young person when he or she enters independent life.
We suggest that agencies engage in:
- preventative work with the family where there is a risk of loss of parental care
- rehabilitation of the blood family for the return of the child to the family from the institution
- preparation of children for family transition (return to blood relatives and, if not possible, foster care)
- support for blood, foster families and orphanage graduates
•Over the six years of the project
8 institutions
in 3 regions of the country – West Kazakhstan region, Akmola region, Astana – have been transformed• Guardian and patrons supporting the work of the «ANA YYI» Fund
Together we eradicate social orphanhood in the country

Abdrahmanov Murat Almasbekovich
Patron №2 Almaty, since 2014

Atazhan Erlan Kairatuly
Patron Kokshetau, since 2021

Ashkenov Yermek
Patron Semey, since 2019

Daumov Samat Bolatovich
Patron Uralsk, since 2016

Patron № 1Almaty, since 2016

Zhuman Marat Kozhakhanovich
Patron Karaganda, since 2023

Isabayev Bauyrzhan Abdrashitovich
Patron №2 Astana, since 2013

Kaniyev Berik Seraliyevich
Patron №2 Almaty, since 2013

Karimov Bulat Ermekovich
Patron Uralsk, since 2023

Kim Eduard Vissarionovich
Patron Taldykorgan, since 2014

Qusayin Gaziz Temirkhanuly
Patron Petropavlovsk, since 2019

Lavrentyev Andrey Sergeyevich
Patron Kostanay, since 2019

Mukhatayev Aydos Ziyadovich
Patron Karaganda, since 2023

Nurgaliyev Abay
Patron in Aktobe, since 2024

Omarov Askhat Asanovich
Patron Atyrau, since 2013

Rakhimbayev Aydin Zhumadilovich
Patron Ust-Kamenogorsk & №1 Astana, since 2013

Salzhanov Islambek Tuleubayevich
Patron Aktobe, since 2014

Sarkulov Timur
Patron Uralsk, since 2023

Tultayev Almaz Bulatovich
Patron Taraz, since 2023

Usmanov Rustem Mirazizovich
Patron Kokshetau, since 2023

Utemuratov Alidar Bulatovich
Patron Kyzylorda, since 2014

Shagirov Kanat Beketovich
Patron Aktau, since 2015

Patron Zhezkazgan, since 2020

Patron Pavlodar, since 2014