Are you ready to be a happy parent?
And fulfill the dream of a cozy home and family hearth for children raised in orphanages and children’s homes?
Professional training, assistance to adoptive families and development of adoption culture in Kazakhstani society
National Adoption Agency
The Fund’s specialists provide consultative assistance to citizens (families) wishing to take children from orphanages and children’s homes into their families.
The agency’s psychologists train prospective foster parents in Foster Parent Schools, where they gain valuable knowledge about age psychology, establishing contact with an adopted child, and gently adapting the entire family to change
In foster parent school, you will get

knowledge of the specific characteristics and needs of a foster child

awareness of your abilities and capacities as a foster parent

understanding what kind of child you could foster and what form of placement is right for you
Parent School
The goal of the Foster Parent School is to prepare parents to adopt a child from an orphanage, provide necessary information, teach skills, help them find answers to important questions, understand their own capabilities and limitations, and realize their readiness to become a foster parent
Итоги направления
9 years
of Mother’s Houses work. Since July 2021, with the assistance of the Resource Center, 235 children who were temporarily placed in boarding schools have been reunited with their biological families.
The results of the direction
Mother’s House prevents 67% of potential rejections of mothers from their newborn children in the country.
women received timely, targeted social assistance from the fund, ensuring that their children did not end up in orphanages but stayed with their families.
Stories of mothers
Akhmedsadykov family

Bibigul and Kuanysh had no children of their own. But now they are parents of three. It took the couple a long time to decide to take a child from an orphanage. The idea belonged to Kuanysh. They wanted, like many couples, to choose a girl under 2 years old. There is a stereotype that it is easier with girls and the adaptation at a young age is faster. But unfortunately, there were no such babies in the database at that time.
Then the couple took training at the Foster Parent School and their perspective on adoption changed dramatically. They no longer focused on the age and gender of the child. And then they found an 8-year-old girl they felt special about. But it turned out she also had a baby sister and a baby brother. The spouses were not afraid and took three children at once. Speaking of stereotypes. At the first meeting with the children, 6-year-old Yergali was the first to run up to his mom, gave her a big hug and kiss. A warm trusting relationship between them developed instantly. Now Bibigul admires all the parents of foster children. Yes, it’s not easy, mom says, but it’s possible if you don’t look back at other people’s opinions, but listen only to your heart. Then great happiness will come into the house with little people.
Akhmetov family
North Kazakhstan Region

For a long time Azamat Akhmetov and Anara Akhmetov wanted to adopt a baby boy under the age of 2. They searched a long time for the kid in the Republican database. Suddenly they saw twin boys. And twins have been Anara’s longtime dream. The woman immediately realized that if everything worked out this way, then it was fate.
The couple became foster parents and the children’s diagnoses (hypoxic-ischemic lesion of the central nervous system (CNS), natal trauma to the cervical spine (C2-C3-C4 instability), motor disorders syndrome) were not an issue.
Azamat and Anara believed that everything could be fixed, if only they had the will and the money. As well as the care and warmth of loving parents.
Unfortunately, the babies also had an eye disease: high degree myopia. One had minus 6 vision and the other was diagnosed with astigmatism. The family is now actively pursuing treatment for these conditions and continuing with rehabilitation. Of course, good specialists, diagnosis and treatment are very expensive.
But thanks to monthly targeted financial assistance from the National Adoption Agency, the family has the money they need for all their checkups. Specialists of the National Adoption Agency also actively assist in referrals to children’s rehabilitation centers, after which the children have noticeable improvements, the Akhmetovs admit.

The Zvadskiye couple from the town of Talgar, Almaty region, while they were still newlyweds, dreamed of adopting a child someday. They wanted so much to warm a parentless baby with their love and affection. The family life of the young couple was as good as it could be. The couple had three children – two daughters and a son. But generous Dmitriy and Lyudmila did not forget about the dream of their youth.
This is how the fourth child, one-year-old Semyon, came into the family. First, they took him into foster care, and when the boy was 4 years old, they arranged an adoption. And this despite the fact that Semyon had a number of diseases: congenital heart defect, microcephaly, stunting, delayed psycho-relational and psychomotor development and cerebral palsy. Love, care, favorable atmosphere in a large friendly family and timely rehabilitation played a tremendous role in improving the child’s health.
Semyon spends a lot of time with his dad. He already can help him on the garden plot, plant seedlings, take care of plants, collect honey at the apiary, raise chickens. It should be noted that rehabilitation procedures with subspecialists are paid for by targeted financial assistance within the framework of the rehabilitation project of the National Adoption Agency. Semyon works with a psychologist-defectologist, speech therapist, visits a massage therapist and a cardiologist.
Today, the baby has already been cleared of the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. “He is a very loving and compassionate kid. We love him so much! We recently celebrated his sixth birthday. Sometimes I forget that he had a past before us, he is as much my child as my blood children! Yes, he has his own peculiarities, you just have to love him, be happy that he is there, with every little victory!” says Lyudmila, Semyon’s mother.
About the Pilot
-We organize the examination of children by rehabilitation doctors after adoption
-We pay for medical rehabilitation and (or) pedagogical correction of children
-We pay for the surgical treatment of children (if necessary)
-We provide consulting and information assistance to the foster family
adopted children have received the opportunity for rehabilitation since May 2022
Training at Foster Parent School
Registration as a candidate through Egov.kz
Access to the Database of orphans of Kazakhstan, viewing children’s profiles
The training at Foster Parent School consists of 14 sessions, held once a week online. The duration of training is 3.5 months. The certificate of Foster Parent School is indefinite.
We recommend it. In 2020, changes were made to the legislation that both spouses must pass training at Foster Parent School.
Adoption, guardianship and custody, foster care, foster family
One-time payment in the amount of 75 MCI
If the housing is rented, you will need to provide a lease agreement
An unmarried woman can become a foster mother, an unmarried man is not allowed to foster a child.
Income for each family member should not be lower than the established minimum subsistence level
You need to apply to the local executive body (guardianship and custody bodies) at your place of residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
You need to contact the Child Welfare Committee.